using PhilExampleCrawler.Common.Models; using WebAPI.Interfaces; using TL; using PhExUser = PhilExampleCrawler.Common.Models.User; using TLUser = TL.User; using PhilExampleCrawler.DataBase; using PhilExampleCrawler.DataBase.Models; using TL.Methods; namespace WebAPI.Services { public class TelegramDistributer : ITelegramDistributer { private readonly ICrawlScheduler> _scheduler; private readonly WTelegram.Client _tClient; private readonly UserAccess _userDB = new(new DBSettings()); ///// Represents Telegram User ID, PhilExampleUser /// Represents (Phone, Telegram UserID) private readonly List<(PhExUser PhilExampleUser, TLUser telegramUser)> _users = new(); public TelegramDistributer(ICrawlScheduler> scheduler) { _scheduler = scheduler; _tClient = new WTelegram.Client(apiID: 1234, apiHash: "1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP"); } public Task SendAsync(PhExUser user, List insertions) { return Task.CompletedTask; } public Task StartAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) { return Task.CompletedTask; } /// Imports PhilExample Users' phone numbers to telegramClient contacts /// and caches their telegram user id to message them later on public async Task UpdateUserListAsync() { List phExUsers = (await _userDB.GetUsersAsync()) .Where(x => x.Optin_Telegram) .Select(x => x.ToCommon()) .ToList() ?? new(); Contacts_ImportedContacts tImport = await _tClient.Contacts_ImportContacts(phExUsers.Select(x => new InputPhoneContact() { phone = x.Phone }).ToArray()); Dictionary importedUsers = tImport.users.Where(u => tImport.imported.Any(imp => imp.user_id == u.Key)).ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => kvp.Value); foreach(var teleUser in importedUsers) { var phExUser = phExUsers.FirstOrDefault(u => Validator.PhoneNumber_Normalize(u.Phone) == Validator.PhoneNumber_Normalize(; if(phExUser != null) { //user.HasTelegram = true; //_contacts.Add(tUser.Key, user); _users.Add(new(phExUser, teleUser.Value)); } } } public Task StopAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) { Console.WriteLine("TelegramDistributer stopped"); return Task.CompletedTask; } private async void Scheduler_OnResult(object? sender, List insertions) { if (_tClient.User == null || insertions == null || insertions.Count == 0 || _users.Count == 0) return; //Grouping belonging insertions to telegramUser based on users CrawlSessions Dictionary> user_Insertions = new(); foreach(var i in insertions) { var (PhilExampleUser, telegramUser) = _users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.PhilExampleUser.CrawlSessions.Any(cs => cs.ID == i.CrawlSessionID)); if (PhilExampleUser == null || telegramUser == null) continue; if (user_Insertions.ContainsKey(telegramUser)) user_Insertions[telegramUser].Add(i); else user_Insertions.Add(telegramUser, new List() { i }); } foreach(var userIs in user_Insertions) { string noti = CreateNotification(userIs.Value); var entities = _tClient.HtmlToEntities(ref noti); var sent = await _tClient.SendMessageAsync(userIs.Key, noti, entities: entities); } ThreadSafeCache.AddInsertionsAsync(insertions); } bool initialized = false; public async Task RefetchCredentialsAsync(string creds) { if (_tClient.User == null) { return await _tClient.Login(creds); } else if (!initialized) { //_tClient.OnUpdate += TClient_OnUpdate; await UpdateUserListAsync(); initialized = true; _scheduler.OnResult += Scheduler_OnResult; return "Client was initialized."; } else return "Client already initialized."; } private async Task TClient_OnUpdate(IObject arg) { if (arg is not UpdatesBase updates) return; else { var asd = updates; } } private static string CreateNotification(List userIs) { string noti = ""; if (userIs.Count == 1) noti = $"Neues PhilExample Suchergebnis:"; else if (userIs.Count > 1) noti = $"Neue PhilExample Suchergebnisse:"; foreach (var i in userIs) { noti += $"\n{i.Name}"; if (i.Price == 0) noti += $"\n gratis"; else noti += $"\n {i.Price} € {(i.Is_VB ? "VB" : null)}"; noti += $"\n"; } return noti; } } }